Sunday, 13 June 2010

Euro Squad: In Our Own Words

A sure-fire bestseller from Faber & Faber, In Our Own Words seeks to explain Euro Squad's meteoric rise to BMX fame and their just as sudden fall from grace. Featuring interviews with all the original members and an introduction by Higher Poynton's John Hall, the book seeks to provide complete closure on the split of one BMX's most notorious gangs.

Clarke Capturer/Captioner

Skinny Dan Hunt curling one out in Poyntons toilet back in April 09.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Not Long To Go Now

World Cup my arse!

Ting Tang WALLER WALLER Bing Bang

Sam sent me this pic from when a few of the Rockstar guys turned up at Platts' for a brief session before heading over to the LG Action and Urbanity Festival at The Urbis. Think this is Rampworx local Sam 'the helmet' Ward. Regardless, its horns from me!

Headless oppo-panno attack from some daft cunt.

Still struggling with the pans Loz? Its in the hip twist. And yes Barry, he does need some airs.

Tree boost jammin' salmon at can only be that same daft cunt as before.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Longsight Pitt Bull Crew

It's Warm. It's Wednesday. Where better than Longsight Library!

Give it some Sam. Dirt Brothers steez ya! Get me doing one.

Little early that one. Try again.

Nice capture, i'm really boning it dude.

After all that i'm a tad peckish, fancy a snackdown?

Good choice Sam. Beats Street Spice every time.

Salfordian Slider

Lurkin on the edge of Broughton a few of the lads were surprised to see Steve Cram topping up the fitness levels after a heavy Bank Holiday boozer. I'd still fancy Gebrselassie any day though, Steve.

Clarky had seen enough and Pat Juliff'd the dub set for a laaarf.

Only kidding, Clarky was just warming up for this super slippy slider. I'd also like to congratulate him on hooking up with Alien Nation. This dude deserves it.

Hard to tell if Sam is giving Clarke's rail a thumbs up or down. Hobbit thumbs.

Tell It How It Is

You first.

Yeah fuck the lot of 'em! That includes you NCP.