Sam sent me this pic from when a few of the Rockstar guys turned up at Platts' for a brief session before heading over to the LG Action and Urbanity Festival at The Urbis. Think this is Rampworx local Sam 'the helmet' Ward. Regardless, its horns from me!

Headless oppo-panno attack from some daft cunt.

Still struggling with the pans Loz? Its in the hip twist. And yes Barry, he does need some airs.

Tree boost jammin' salmon at dusk...it can only be that same daft cunt as before.
hi, im an admin for the group "fuckin' lovely shots" and i would love to include your images in the group, i can see those extra hours in post really paid off p.s. really looking forward to the next meet up, ive managed to come into the ownership of some new slaves (flashes, LOL) and a new lens cap so cant wait to see the results.