Wednesday 22 February 2012

Urban Poetic Society feat. Mr Witticisms

Asked to explain the Society's objectives, Leader and self-confessed Banksy fan, Harvey Harford-Wells had this to say "Our aim is to both liven up the streets and make people take notice of what we have to say. Freedom of speech is just an unfulfilled promise of the ruling classes. We're forcing it upon them!"

Harvey continued "Cameron's Big Society has failed as did Blair and his cronies' tactics, the same goes for Major and Thatcher before them. All talk but no action. Rhetoric designed to keep people in line under the false impression that we have a say. Well we DO have a say and we're not going to be part of YOU'RE BUDGETED, BOX TICKING, MIND NUMPING REGIME!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Choose life and suck offs23 February 2012 at 12:41

    What side is it on? Only got freeview though.
