Sunday 7 October 2012

Strangeways Whip Check

Since the release of Clarky's straight-to-VHS classic, Strangeways, we seem to be getting more and more requests from our readers regarding the personal specifications of each rider. With that in mind we dived into the mucky world of Manchester BMX and tracked down some of its more well known urban interactionists.

 "After 15 years in the game comfort is definitely up there as a priority when it comes to my customisations. The body at 30 can't handle what it used to so the f&r suzzy helps cushion me on the really big drop-offs and means i'm physically able to ride more as the aches and pains are at a minimum. The built-in stand was my idea, not only does it give me an extra lock point when i'm doing me grinding but it comes in handy for midweek bench lurks/sit-offs. Mudguard is from decathlon and stops me arse getting wet!"

Leo Mckenna
 "Love me beige chinos, ye get me, so kept the chainguard on. Means when i'm meeting a gal I ain't rocking up with all oil an shit on me pants like a muppet. Safe."

Loz Taylor
 "My bike has allowed me to visit places like Vietnam, Germany and Stone Henge, places I would never have seen if it were not for the two wheels beneath me. Jah teaches us to unite and treat everyone with respect as equals. I run a white tyre on the front and a black tyre on the back as a symbol of the coming together of all races. One race. One love. Jah Bless."

Sam Waller
 "Two words - Colour Coordination. Guys, I have a reputation to keep. Whether it be camo jackets, flannel shirts or fastplants there are certain things a Waller-be has come to expect from an edit of mine. This time we're a golden oldie with matching frame, top-loader, and Veebs and I got the guys at Mossley Electro Platers to help me with the gold levers. Laters peeps."

Tommy Gunn
"I have friends, many friends. BMX friends, Fixie friends, peg friends, non-peg friends, pub friends, Stoke friends, Wazza friends. You get the idea? So, how do I deal with it? I operate a one-bike-fits-all policy. This babe can handle the ledges, Team Clonc 200 mile chaingangs through Lymm, being locked up outside The Pub, indoor ramps, outdoor ramps, etc, etc. Ride it all, ride free, guys." 

1 comment:

  1. Going to have to have words with Benson, looks like he only scraped the surface of the misunderstood scene of Manchester. This disregard for common 'cookie-cutter' bicycle norms definitely points to a more sustainable future, ON AND OFF THE BIKE. This certainly definitely reminds me of my formative years performing bicycle-jousting at Burning Man festival, and is a keen juxtaposition to the preset ideas of BMX riding. I know my fellow dreadnaught Ollie Olsen said some harsh words many solstices ago Gareth, but working with integrity and dignity often means unabashed opinions, and i'm sorry if they were taken out of context. WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY, is that I'd be more than honoured to be more than honoured to document this scene (in a similar way I did to the transient SLC BDSM BMX scene a few issues ago). Anyway, let's brainstorm this, reckon it could be special. Speak soon. Bancroft.
